I Made Gde Dharmendra, ST., IAI, AA, is a Balinese, Indonesian born in 1977, an international licensed architect, and award winning architect took his degree in architecture from Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya. His experiences background starting in the Maldives for several years in the resort development and the last destination before he decided to come back to Bali was in Singapore as an architect for design and build firm, and he is currently Director and Principal Architect of PT. Made Dharmendra Architect and became one of the top architects in Bali.

I Made Sumartha, ST., IAI, licensed architect, Born in Denpasar, March 20, 1985. He graduated from Udayana University, majoring in Architecture. He is currently as a Senior Architect at PT. Made Dharmendra Architect.

I Made Adi Sutrisna, ST., IAI, licensed architect, Born in Sedang, March 9, 1991. He graduated from Udayana University, majoring in Architecture. He is currently as an Architect at PT. Made Dharmendra Architect.

I Gede Hariwangsa Wijaya, ST., Born in Tabanan, April 3, 1991. He graduated from Udayana University, majoring in Architecture. He is currently as an Architect at PT. Made Dharmendra Architect.